Diabetes Support

Diabetes is a common condition and at Mt Martha Village Clinic we aim to assist you in every way with best management.

This includes:


Diabetes Education – our nurses will spend time with you helping you understand this complex condition, and providing you with written information and links to other good resources such as “Diabetes Australia”

  • Blood Glucose monitoring – Our nurses are available to check your BGL’s and teach you how to do this yourself
  • Registration with Diabetes Australia – assist with lower cost items and education material
  • Management Plans – For more information see chronic disease management, health assessments
  • Team Care Arrangements–For more information see chronic disease management,  health assessments
  • Weight loss support: regular visits with our nurse to encourage and keep you on track
  • Referrals to other care providers – e.g. diabetes educator, exercise physiology, dietitian, ophthalmology, podiatry, endocrinology
  • Initiation of Insulin – treatment if required and as much support as needed

Reminders – If you have diabetes you will receive special treatment because we know it can make a big difference to your health in the long term – expect to be reminded about regular check ups and blood tests, many of which will be covered by Medicare payment.


Helpful links:

For Emergency contact details